Amateur Radio Callsign AG4OJ
This Website DOES NOT use cookies or trackers (Required International Statement). This means that NO INFORMATION is collected from your visit to this website. Only your web browser tracks your progress through My websites. Clear your browser cache to erase ever being here. Please enjoy your time here, I’ll never know you visited! OR, Even if you downloaded any files and learned anything! ENJOY!
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August 14th, 2024 Update News
Due to my ongoing disabilities, I have drawn down these projects so they don't keep me drained and worn out all of the time. Updates will be posted when I am well enough to do so. Questions and comments can still be sent to the Email address link below.
Amateur Radio Nextion Displays
About These Offerings
As I always tell everyone, I'm Visually Impaired / Legally Blind, these projects are extremely complex, and, I'm not perfect by no means, I even fail myself. IF you think you found a mistake, PLEASE let me know. When WE fix something together, WE fix it for everyone!
42 NDCVerA and 42 NDCverB different versions for the Nextion Display are offered here. I provide for Display Type Nextion Basic, Discovery, Enhanced, or Intelligent. The Sizes are 2.4", 2.8", 3.2", 3.5", 4.3", 5.0", 7.0", or 10.1" and the Landscape Orientation for the Display Power/Control Wires to be on the Left or the Right.
These Nextion Display Code files were/are designed by/for the visually impaired (like myself) and the blind with display readers. IF your looking for a flashy trickery type of screens, then these are NOT for you. These Nextion Display Screens are meant to display stable information for a period of time for special readers (used by the blind) to have the time to read them.
There is no charge for using this website. There is no Website ads. There is no links asking for money. There is no links asking for your help. AND, I don't require anyone to kneel before me and kiss my ring (HA! Sorry No Ring!). The "Keys To The MMDVM Nextion Kingdoms" is below. Everything here is a work in progress, this when my disabilities cooperate with my abilities.
Please take the time to ENJOY the FRUITS of my HOBBIES, Amateur Radio.
New Release Version, January 1st, 2024 - v240101
Expanded Notes On Installing The Nextion Display Drivers
Expanded Notes On Installing The Nextion Display Drivers Link. HELLO! Want to play?! This Webpage gives you all of the tools to transform your Nextion experience. Install the EDDC, and, if you don't like it, there are instructions to restore it back to the NDDC. ENJOY!
Nextion Display Code Files Version A (NDC VerA/NDDC)
The Nextion Display Code Version A Link. This section of the website is for Nextion Display support of the ON7LDS Nextion Display Driver, My Nextion Display Code files. These Nextion Display Files work without the Nextion Display Driver being installed, they work with all of the MMDVMHost sent Nextion Display Messages.
Nextion Display Code Files Version B (NDC VerB/EDDC)
The Nextion Display Code Version B Link. This section of the website is for Nextion Display support of the AG4OJ Enhanced Display Driver, My Nextion Display Code files. These Nextion Display Files work without the Enhanced Display Driver being installed, they work with all of the MMDVMHost sent Nextion Display Messages.
EDDC Executable Release Notes
The EDDC Release Notes Link. These Release Notes are for those who are writing their own Nextion Display Code and are looking to use the extra functionality of this EDDC. This version supplied here will compile and has been tested to work as documented within these Release Notes. ENJOY!
The Extra Thrills And Frills
Hotspot, Raspberry Pi, MMDVMHost, and Pi-Star Guides
Instructional Guides Link. This link will take you to the Instructional Guides. As I have added enhanced features and setups to My own HotSpots / Repeaters, those additions I share as step-by-step instructional Guides for you to do the same. AND, Also, how to build Your own HotSpot instructional Guides!
Feedback Here Is Important
My Email Link Is To The Left. So, if you see, or even think you see a mistake somewhere on this Website, PLEASE send Me a short Email with all of the details so I can correct it. Every effort is made to keep all kinds of errors out of this Website, YET, My ongoing disabilities will show My mistakes.
The History Behind These Screens
Keep It Simple Screens for Nextion Displays, or KISS/ND, was born out of necessity. My eyesight is not good, I'm legally blind. Trying to watch the screen on the handheld for contact info was not good and the screens that came on my HRO hotspots, 2.4", wasn't built for poor eyesight either.
When I asked around about it, I was told that if I didn't like it, Program One Yourself! Well, though this was said to me in a sarcastic way, thus meaning I guess that I wasn't up to the challenge. So, instead of sounding like I was complaining, I decided to program my own screens for my hotspot that I could see better. And so, the AG4OJ Nextion Display Screens were born.
When another Amateur Radio Operator heard that I was making my own screens, they wanted to try them. This is turn gave birth to creating even more types, sizes, and orientations. This then spread word of mouth and suddenly I needed a place to host them, this Website was born. I then gave in to requests for more Nextion Basic versions, and this grew even more.
This Website has become a looking place not just for visually impaired screens, it has become a place to look for all screen types, sizes, and landscape orientations for Amateur Radio Hotspots / Repeaters. So, over the August / September 2019 time frame, a version was put together for every display type, size, and landscape orientation.
In mid 2020, legal challenges came to roost. Though these were not warranted, the individuals involved soon learned what it means to really be sued. I guess they didn't think I had the resources to respond to such. This is why these Nextion Display Code files were off-line for 6 months. Late December 2020, with requests coming in for updates, these files returned as a public offering.
In January 2021, a group of AROs asked me if I would take on making the Nextion Driver go to the next level. I took a look at it and this started my beginning steps into programming in C. The first step was to have a working Screen Saver. It has grown from there, and, with the ever maturing Nextion Display Code and driver.
For years, since I started these projects, I have been on the receiving end of HATE by others in the Amateur Radio Community. I don't understand why, I probably never will. May everyone be blessed in this world. Well, all can say is, like I always do, ENJOY!
As Always, ENJOY! It's A hobby, NOT A JOB! HA!
AND, Make Sure You Always PAY IT FORWARD!